Monday, May 26, 2008

being a mom and wanting to write

It’s night time and I feel like writing… again. I say again for I always have this feeling but don’t have the luxury of time. This time is my baby boy’s time to sleep. He’s almost consistent at that. Except for tonight; he’s sound asleep at eight. That’s early. So I have the chance to write (save for short interruptions). Only I and his papa can put our baby Kong-kong to sleep. There are moments when all I do is imagine and type the words in my mind of the things I want to jot down, of the feelings I want to convey, but no time. Even when I brush my teeth before going to bed, half of my senses are unto my little boy, whether he’s again calling out for his mom’s attention. I love it when I pass by him or when he hears my voice from afar and he would scream as if an insect bites him suddenly...he simply wants to be with mama. Any mom would agree with me. While the family was having dinner earlier, I couldn’t help but notice the picture framed on top of the TV set, it was a photo of Aizek taken when he arrived home from a two-night stay in the nursery room. Now my baby is 6-months old, where did time go? He now has three strong teeth… another one coming out soon. He’s a cerelac addict (wont stop asking for more. Hahaha!) that his granny (short for grand nanny) Ann warned me not to let Aizek get really big and heavy he might become overweight. What can I do? I am just a typical mother feeding her baby. Plus who says how much ounces of milk he consumes after a ten-minute sucking and biting, too. Aizek is beginning to show some attitude these days. I would know right away if he’s hungry, sleepy or uncomfortable through his actions and his pouts. He’s like his papa every time he pouts his cute lips. I wonder what would his dominant traits be… would they be from me or from Kim. Everyday is a new day for me and Kim. We look forward to what’s new of Aizek. He learns a thing or two a day. Today, he turns up his volume; he can laugh or cry out very loud that even the third house neighbor can hear.

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