on the next day...
what is it that i think i am doing here? sitting behind a cubicle in the corner of a semi-big office room somewhere in Loyang Industrial Estate here in Singapore. I am supposed to be busy at work but surprisingly not today. My department boss took a one-week leave and we have no idea where he was heading for. Unlike in the Philippines where co-workers would know the reson (any reason for that matter) why one takes a leave of absence, especially the boss.
i really wanted to ask my boss but decided to keep my mouth shut. nobody from any of his staff dared to ask, anyway. hehehe
that explains why i am having the luxury of time writing, not working at all.
it's three ten in the afternoon. i have no other choice but to stay here in this place for another four long hours. whew!
it's raining outside, raining hard and as usual, the rain will stop the moment i reach the bus stop. (hadlok ang ulan) i know it for it happens everytime. always like this, the usual rain, the usual bus ride. i will the be facing my book for the entire 15-minute trip, will be in the lift for 10th floor for another nice, lonely, evening by myself.
the i would look out the window, and would notice it's raining again.